Monday, 12 November 2018

Storezie Review

Storezie Review, Storezie

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Storezie Review - New WordPress Theme Powers Your Own Profitable eCommerce Site with NO DESIGN and CODING SKILL!

Go beyond the over simplified and generic page designs, by having more control over the various sections.

Our page sections make up the basic architecture of the page, and allow you to reach a level of design reserved until now for high budget custom designed websites.

You can decide to position the column to the top, center, and bottom of a section, or stretch it out to the whole section.

You can also position the content within the column in the same manner. This unique feature gives you the freedom to create a design that is much more customized.

Change the gaps between columns in order to let your design breathe. By changing the gaps at once, you can try out different column layouts, and visually decide which one has the best fit.

This setting is amazingly simple to alter but makes a huge difference in the ending result.

Set the padding & margin for sections, columns & widgets, using px, EM or %. This feature is unique. Without using % or EM, the heading you set may end up looking huge in mobile.

Our dynamic size settings let you take full advantage of the various scaling possibilities.

Tinkering with the size of the columns has never been easier. Grab one of the corners and drag it until the column layout is just right.

You can also choose from default settings and easily add more columns to the row. With Elementor, You have complete control over the height and width of your columns.

Smart design and ensures maximum Storezie search engine visibility for your WordPress site. Our theme includes H1, H2, H3, Breadcrumbs, and much more SEO Feature.

Not just that, this Storezie Review theme include SEO extensions. This extension will enable you to have a fully optimized WordPress website by adding optimized meta titles, keywords, and descriptions.

It doesn’t have any functionality that is reflected visually in the front end. It offers additional functionality for its sub-extensions, like Tags module.

With the power of future, this theme will help you create a website easier than ever. You do not need to remember any shortcodes. It will make your work much more enjoyable and also save your time.

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